The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF)-University of the West Indies (UWI) Scholarship
Published: 4/23/2019 2:19:48 PM
The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) in collaboration with the University of the West Indies (UWI) invites applications from students who are pursuing studies in catastrophe risk related undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at UWI.
- CCRIF Undergraduate Scholarships
CCRIF is offering four (4) scholarships per year to students entering their second of three years in any of the following seven undergraduate programmes of study:
Faculty of Science and Technology at Mona for a major in Geography or Geology
Faculty of Humanities and Education at Mona for a major in Geography
Faculty of Engineering at Mona for a degree in Civil Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology at Cave Hill for a degree in Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology at Cave Hill for a degree in Meteorology
Faculty of Engineering at St. Augustine for a degree in Civil with Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Engineering at St. Augustine for a degree in Land Management
Faculty of Science and Agriculture at St. Augustine for a major in Geography
Faculty of Science and Agriculture at St. Augustine for a degree in Environmental Natural Resource Management
Faculty of Social Sciences at St. Augustine for a special management studies degree in Insurance and Risk Management
Each scholarship is valued at US$4,000 per student per year. CCRIF will provide scholarship coverage in the third year for the four students awarded scholarships in year 2, subject to satisfactory academic performance (the maintenance of a 3.5 GPA) in their second year.
How to Apply:
To apply for one of these scholarships, visit the scholarship section on your campus website to obtain the application form then submit along with the other relevant documents to the Office of Student Financing.
English is the official language of CCRIF and therefore all applications must be submitted in English.
Additional information can be accessed on the following website:
Current students usually visit the campus websites for student related matters including information about scholarships available via the following:
- CCRIF Postgraduate Scholarship
CCRIF will offer three (3) scholarships per year to students entering any of the following four postgraduate programmes of study:
Faculty of Science and Technology at Mona for a Masters degree in Natural Resource Management (Option – Disaster Management)
Faculty of Science and Technology at Cave Hill for a Masters degree in Natural Resource and Environmental Management (Option – Climate Change)
Faculty of Engineering at St. Augustine for a Masters degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Social Sciences at Cave Hill for a Masters degree in Building and Construction Management
Maximum tenure is one (1) year except in the case of Building and Construction Management which is fifteen (15) months.
Each scholarship is valued at US11,000.00
How to apply:
To apply for one of these scholarships, visit the scholarship section on your campus website to obtain the application form then submit along with the other relevant documents to the Office of Student Financing.
Additional information can be accessed on the following website:
Please note that the deadline for the scholarships is Sunday, June 2, 2019.
Ministry: Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development