Royal Saint Lucia Police Force – Police Constables
Citizen All candidates must be citizens of St. Lucia Age Candidates must be at lest 18 years and not older than 35 years of age. Attainment All interested candidates should possess at lest five (5) CXC general subjects 1,2 or 3 or its equivalent. English is compulsory Character All candidates must be law abiding citizens and have a high standard of personal behavior and social conduct Health and Fitness Candidates must be physically fit and complete all elements of the fitness and medical exams. Only qualified applicants will be acknowledged.
Applicants should obtain a prescribed employment application from the Human Resource Development Department of the Royal St. Lucia Police Force, 2nd Floor Police & Allied Credit Union, Upper Bridge Street Castries OR at the Police Academy, La Toc, Castries
Please include Certified Copies of
- Birth Certifiicate
- CXC Certificates/Slip
- Any other Certificates
- Passport Sized Photograph – One
Deadline for receipt of applications is Friday September 22, 2017