ECSC Announces Temporary Relocation of Commercial Division to Saint Lucia
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Update on the Territory of the Virgin Islands
Friday, September 15, 2017 — Due to the devastating impact of Hurricane Irma on the Territory of the Virgin Islands and the resultant damage/destruction of the High Court buildings coupled with disruption of essential services, the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court announces the temporary relocation of the Commercial Division of the High Court to Saint Lucia.
The Judges of the Commercial Division will begin hearing matters in Saint Lucia on Monday, 25th September 2017 at a building in Castries which is being deemed a Court by order of the Chief Justice for the sitting of the Commercial Division of the Court of the Virgin Islands.
Legal practitioners are encouraged to have all documents in electronic form and documents should be filed with the Court electronically by email using the email address Full details on the procedures for filing by email including payment will be placed on the Court’s website (
All criminal matters before the Criminal Division Judge emanating from the Territory of the Virgin Islands will be adjourned until further notice. All other civil matters before the Civil Division Judge are also adjourned unless practitioners, litigants and witnesses can travel to Saint Lucia and can be accommodated on a pre–arranged basis. Matters may also be heard via videoconference if communications are restored to a satisfactory level. These matters will be assessed for hearing on a case by case basis.
The ECSC will be issuing further updates via the Court’s Website and in the print and electronic media as soon as more information becomes available.
Commercial Division of the High Court Saint Lucia