Edinburgh Napier University in the United Kingdom (UK) is one of Scotland’s largest universities with over 20,000 students. The university has the status as a Royal Charter university and is approved by the Queen’s Privy Council to award degrees. The university offers a wide range of online and distance education degress from Bachelors to Doctorate level to students around the Caribbean. The programs have exactly the same status as those studied on campus.
Andrew Cawley of SEIdegrees, of the regional representative office for Edinburgh Napier University, will be conducting an information session to sensitize Saint Lucians about the opportunities available for studying at Edinburgh Napier University. A recruitment exercise will also be conducted for those individuals who are desirous of attending this institution.
All interested persons are invited to attend this information session which will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Lantana Conference Room, Bay Gardens Hotel, Rodney Bay. Persons are kindly asked to RSVP to admissions@seidegrees.com.
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